weekly classes

how it works

sign up

//  pick your class

Review the schedule + class descriptions, and then sign up! It’s important to honor your body and what it has to offer you each day, so let that be your guide when choosing classes.

//  attend the live class or practice later with the recording

Attend the live class or practice later with the recording! all recordings are accessible until the next live class takes place. More about recordings.

//  payments, etc.

Prices vary per class and are listed on the sign-up page. Payments are accepted through the website via credit card. If you don’t have access to a credit card, shoot me an email.

If you have a promo code, enter it during the payment screen when you sign up for class.

Mindfulness is more important than money though, so if you can’t pay but still want to practice, please reach out and we can work something out.

attending class

//  before class

An email will be sent to you with a link and instructions for attending class immediately upon sign-up. If that doesn’t happen for any reason, first check your spam folder (the from address is “confirmations@ribbon-confirmations.com” and the sender is “staceyoga”).

If you have any trouble or do not get a link, please contact hello@staceyogadc.com asap. I’ll try to keep an eye out, but if you wait until right before class I may not see your email since I’ll be teaching!

//  during class

You can log in starting ~5 minutes before the scheduled start time.

Sharing your video feed is so very appreciated, although not required. The more I can see, the more I can respond to, and the better the experience is for everyone! There is also a certain sense of community that comes from saying hello to your fellow yogis before and after class.

Everyone will be muted once class begins, but chatting it up before and after class is encouraged!

Classes are recorded so that folks can practice at their convenience. Only my screen and voice will be recorded.

//  after class (recordings)

An email is sent out to everyone who signed up for the live class with a link to the recording ~1 hour after class ends.  You can also get recordings on-demand after the live class has taken place.