
yoga for wherever you are

mindful movement

If you’re looking to build strength, increase mobility, clam your mind, and practice self-care then you’re in the right place.

Break a sweat with a vinyasa flow or explore deep relaxation with Yin yoga and meditation. Challenge yourself to find your edge, or practice being present and letting go. Every day is a new opportunity to move our bodies and do something kind for ourselves. Some days are easier than others. Enjoy the journey! You’re doing great.

video library

60+ classes | choose your style, focus + length

live-stream, on-demand + in-person

video library, weekly classes + personalized instruction

short, fun, focused, challenging

what bringsyouhere?

I want to become more flexible. 

I want to get stronger.

I want to be less anxious.

I have an injury.

I want to feel more inspired.

I want to worry less.

I want to be present for the people I care about.

I want to deepen my practice.

Good news – you’re in the right place!

Yoga is a holistic practice that can address everything from the physical,
to the mental, to the spiritual, and everything in between.


Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years in a myriad of traditions, styles, locations, languages, poses, shapes and sizes. I truly believe that the more people who practice yoga, the happier and healthier this world will be. Yoga is a journey, not a destination. Yoga is practice, not perfection. Yoga is compassion, not judgement. Touching your toes or standing on your head don’t make you a better person, but learning to be present and tending to your personal needs, so that you might show up more fully for others, does.

I believe yoga is for everyone.


Like many, I was initially drawn to yoga for the workout, but I stayed for the inner peace, awareness, and personal growth.

What started as a casual love affair evolved into a holistic, committed practice. Over time I witnessed the transformation of self-doubt into confidence, intimidation into determination, and external desires into internal awareness. I can’t imagine my life without this practice. Thank you for letting me share it with you!

As a teacher, I hold space for people to show up as themselves, for themselves. I encourage exploration and inquiry, creative expression, and the questioning of perceived limitations. My hope is that you will cultivate your own unique self-care practice in support of a resilient body and mind.

staceyoga | Yoga for strength, calm + self-care


RYT 200
Yoga District – Washington, DC

Rocket Vinyasa 100 HR
David Kyle – Mexico City, MX

100 HR Spanish Language Certification + Internship Program
Flying Tree Yoga – Medellín, Colombia

30 Hour Programming and Sequencing Intensive:
Handstands and Flexibility
Irene Pappas, Marie Belle Perez, Ian Macleod


inspiration, video drops, schedule updates, challenge announcements + upcoming events